Faith Academy 2025 Bible reading plan       –Check below for future week downloads

The session has decided to do a chronological approach to the Bible reading.

You will be given a chart each week.  It will be on the church website,, sent via email, and printed off and on the table in the foyer each Sunday.  The reading will begin in the Old Testament this year at the very beginning, Genesis 1.  Using this plan we will not get through the Bible in a year.  The reading will consist of about a chapter per day except for Sundays.  Sunday will be a review day; you will not have to read anything but record your chart.  The session is asking you not only to read the Bible but also to react to it.  The goal is to get you to think a little about what you are reading.  You will find space to write on the chart; we are asking you to do two things; see below.

You will be asked to generate a short thought about the reading, probably 15 words or less will fit in the space given.  It can be a summary, a reflection, whatever you decide.  Using Genesis 1 as an example, here are four possible thoughts: This is the story of creation.  God created everything in 6 days.  God is the awesome Creator of everything.  God created just by speaking.  The point is to get you to think a bit about what you have read.

The second thing you are asked to do is copy a verse you like.  You are not asked why you liked it.  Just pick a verse you happen to like for whatever reason and copy it down with the reference, V3 for instance.

Sundays are review days.  Here you are asked to write two things.  First, look at your chart and make some sort of statement about the reading for the week.  Second, pick one of the six verses you had previously copied down.  Write this verse in the review section and think about and maybe even jot a note as to why you picked it.  At the last Sunday evening service of the month, we will talk about your review items, 1st week, 2nd week and so forth.  This will be our Faith Academy.  It would be helpful for you to bring your sheets with you to that service.

This is an experiment.  We think it will take maybe 15 minutes or so per day to read and fill in the chart.  After a time, maybe a couple of months, we will take a bit of time for evaluation of the process.  Our desire is to get you involved with your Bible on a daily basis.  If you have some other reading plan already in place with which you are comfortable and believe is profitable for you, that’s fine; you can continue to follow that in lieu of what we are proposing.

Dec 30- Jan 5, 2025 Jan 6-12 Jan 13-19 Jan 20-26
Jan 27-Feb 2 Feb 3-9 Feb 10-16 Feb 17-23
Feb 24-Mar 2 Mar 3-9 Mar 10-16 Mar 17-23
Mar 24-30 Mar 31- Apr 6 Apr 7-13 Apr 14-20
Apr 21-27