Faith Church is a community of people who have experienced the saving grace of God, our Creator and are growing in life together through Jesus Christ. Our passion is to display God’s worth, wisdom, and beauty, in our worship, in our relationships, and in our mission to our neighbors and the nations. We would be delighted if you would join us.

What We Believe

Faith Church accepts the Bible as God’s written word and the final and highest authority for religious belief and practice. As a congregation of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, we affirm the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Westminster Larger and Shorter Catechisms as secondary standards and a summary of the most important doctrines the Bible teaches.


Pastor Karl Thompson

A little background from the Pastor: From my earliest days, I have been taught the grace of our sovereign God. By His grace, I have not lived a day when I did not realize that I was under the care of my Father in Heaven. While growing up, my family was very active in the life of the church and my parents worked hard to raise me in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. I attended Westminster…

Our History

Faith OPC in Grants Pass and Trinity OPC in Medford were started as one church, the Southern Oregon Orthodox Presbyterian Church, but with two congregations. Services began in both congregations on January 2, 1977, with Calvin Malcor as pastor. The Faith congregation met in the Grants Pass Seventh Day Adventist Church, and the Trinity congregation met in Medford.

Our Denomination

We take part in the worldwide fellowship of churches known as the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, a denomination that holds to and seeks to practice the reformed faith and worship as summarized in the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Catechisms of historic Presbyterianism of the 1500-1600s.

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us with any questions.

Phone: 541-479-7863
2033 Harbeck Road, Grants Pass, Oregon 97527